An inscription at Hosaholalu that informs about the construction of a Trikuta Jinalaya at a village called Kathrighatta and donations made to their Jain Gurus for the maintenance and up keep of the temple.

Location – South of Parshwanath Basadi at Hosaholalu, Krishnarajpet Taluk, Mandya District, Karnataka, India.
Profile of People mentioned in the Inscription – King, head of a city, Shravika, Muni.
Period of Inscription – Saka Year 1040, Vilambi Samvatsara Poushya Shuddha 10, Uttarayana Sankranti, it corresponds to Tuesday 24th December 1118 A.D..
Type of Inscrition – An inscription that informs about the construction of a Trikuta Jinalaya at a village called Kathrighatta and donations made to their Jain Gurus for the maintenance and up keep of the temple.
Script of Inscription – Old Kannada.
Lineage of Gurus – Mulasangha Desigagana’s Postakagachha’s Sri Kondakundanvaya.
Uniqueness –
o Informs about the construction of a Trikuta Basadi.
o Informs about the different forms of donations given for maintaining the Basadi.
o Informs that only people of Mula Sangha Desigagana’s Postakagachha are beneficiaries of the donations.
o Praises the qualities of a Jain Muni Divakara Nandi.
Where is Kathrighatta? Kathrighatta village is located at a distance of 13.1 kms from Krishnarajpet, the taluk centre and 14 kms from Hosaholalu. At present we cannot seen any Jain temple or any other traces of Jainism at this village.
Inscriptional Content
The inscription starts with Jinastuthi – Jaina hymn “Srimad Parama Gambhira Syadvadaamogha Lanchanam. Jiyaa Trailookyanaatasya Sahaasanam Jina Shasanam”.
While, (with usual titles), the strong-armed Vira Ganga Hoysala Deva Vishnuvardhana was ruling the Gangavadi Ninety-six Thousand region Devikabbe Settiti wife of Nolamba Setti who was the PattanaSwamy (head of the city) of Dorasamudra (the present Halebidu) built a Trikuta Jinalaya at Kathrighatta.
Nolamba Setti who was called as Choudadi or Choudandi and his dear wife Devikabbe built the Trikuta Jinalaya and donated to Shubhachandra Siddhantadeva, a disciple of Mulasangha Desigagana’s Postakagachha’s Sri Kondakundanvaya’s Kukkutasana Maladharideva the village Arahanahalli, to the north – south of the land a Danashala home, two oil extraction mills, and two farms.
Gandanarayana Setti son of Betta Nayaka within Kathrighatta’s land donated two lakes, to the east of these lakes donated the farms to the Basadi. These were donated by Nolamba Setti to Shubachandra Siddhanta Deva through a full fledged devotional mind. While donating this it informs that only people of Mula Sangha Desigagana’s Postakagachha are beneficiaries of the donations.
It informs that Maladharideva’s guru Muni Divakara Nandi Sidhanti was an expert in grammer, logical reasoning and philosophy.
Choudandi, i.e. Nolambasetti belonged to the Ayyavole 500 group. He used to follow the rules of the group was like a Kalpavruksha (is a wish-fulfilling divine tree in Indian-origin religions like Jainism) to the poor, orphan and scholars and was the PattanaSwamy of Dorasamudra.
- Epigraphia Carnatica VI(R) Kr. 3
- Epigraphia Carnatica IV(O) Kr. 3
- Karnataka Jaina Shasanagalu – Volume 2, 168-171.