On the occasion of Third year Pattabhisheka Vardhanthyutsava of His Holiness Swastisri Charukeerthi Bhattarakha Panditacharyavarya Swamiji of Sri Jain Muth, Moodabidri (Karnataka), a first day cover was released by Sri Raichand Khatera President of the Oswal Jain Parishad, Bangalore on the 29th of August 2002 here at Moodabidri. The Indian Postal Department has also provided a special pictorial cancellation. This beautiful cover depict photographs of famous Tribhuvan Tilak Chudamani Temple (Thousand Pillars Temple) and Bhattarakha Swamiji. The cancellation bears line sketches of Tirthankar with cow & lion drinking water jointly in the same pot.