Nitin H P
A Marketing Technology specialist, Guinness World record holder, heritage enthusiast & conservator, Jain activist, Jain researcher, author and an avid traveler – this is how Nitin can be described in one sentence.
He is the key person behind the websites www.jainheritagecentres.com, www.mahamasthakabhisheka.com, www.hombujapadmavati.org and many other Jain websites. Born at Hubli he completed his primary and higher primary education there and his high school education at Mysore. Later he graduated as a mechanical engineer from the University of Mysore.
Currently, he works as Associate Director, Marketing Technlogy & Digital in the Strategic Marketing team at Wipro Ltd.. Prior to this he worked at Langoor Digital Pvt. Ltd. as director – technology; Wipro Ltd. as the technology lead of its Strategic Marketing team and at Accenture Services Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore as the the technical lead of its internal communications & marketing team. He has successfully led the internal communications & marketing campaign for Accenture that involved creating the worlds tallest photo sculpture, this further culminated on to become a Guinness World record. Prior to Accenture Nitin worked at IBM India Pvt. Ltd.
He is being greatly influenced by his father Dr.H.A.Parshwanath since childhood and is keenly interested in dramatics and is also a good sports person with expertise in swimming.
He is also interested in writing articles related to different topics a few of which have been published in different magazines. He has also involved himself in various social organizations thereby serving the society.
He was a member of the publicity subcommittee, electronic media management subcommittee and accommodation subcommittee during the Gommateshwara Bhagwan Sri Bahubali Swamy Mahamasthakabhisheka Mahotsava – 2006. His service during the event through the website www.mahamasthakabhisheka.com is worth noting. This website stood as the best available source for the mega event on the internet.
Involvement During Mahamasthakabhisheka Mahotsava 2018 – He worked as the Secretary of Exhibition Sub Committee of the Mahamasthakabhisheka Mahotsava of Lord Bahubali held at Shravanabelagola in 2018. His involvement played a pivotal role in the overall administration of the Maha Masthakabhisheka Mahotsava Exhibiton – 2018.
International Projects – Nitin has worked with many international projects on Jainism. Just to mention a few –
- A documentary in the Korean language on ‘Food habits & Way of Life of Jain Munis & Jain householders’ for MBC one of the leading TV channels in Korea.
- Around 60 images of different Jain celebrations taken by Nitin have been featured in the 1st book on Jainism in Slovakian language.
- Around 90 images taken by Nitin have been featured in a masters thesis on Jainism presented to Free University, Berlin.
- He has worked as a local resource person for Discovery Channel in one of their projects.
Events – “Jain Heritage and Archaeology Exhibition”
- Has was instrumental in planning, executing and hosting the “Jain Heritage and Archaeology Exhibition” during the Bahubali Swamy Mahamasthakabhisheka Mahotsava – 2018. He worked as the General Secretary of this event.
- The exhibition consisted of exclusive galleries related to “Jainism in India”, “Jainism Abroad”, “Monuments on Jain Concepts” and “Sallekhana”.
- Over 500+ images of 6 countries by 8 contributors were exhibited.
- More than 2,00000 visitors (over 15,000 visitors/day) visited the pavilion every day for close to 15 days.
Books – “Jinayatra”
- A collection of “Research Articles on Karnataka’s Jain Heritage” has been published in 2018.
- This book has won the M.A.Jayachandra Book award 2021.
- Articles are related to temples & inscriptions that are spread in different parts of Karnataka.
- Details of over 75 plus Jain inscriptions, 40 plus Jain heritage centres and 50 plus Jain temples have been studied and presented in this book.
- Some of the important articles of this book are –
- Sallekhana Inscriptions of Karnataka
- Padmavati Shrines of Karnataka
- Gerusoppe – Some Untold Facts
- Upponi Ruins, Unique Jain Connections and Beliefs.
Jain Epigraphic Research – Nitin has a keen interest in Jain epigraphic/inscriptions research. He has unearthed and published about 20 Jain inscriptions in Karnataka. Below is an overview of the inscriptions he has published.
Awards and Recognitions
- Featured in Ambitions Realised Campaign by Wipro Limited – India’s 3rd largest IT services company Wipro Limited as part of one of its major brand campaign – “Ambitions Realized” featured Nitin by producing a short documentary tracing Nitin Jain Heritage Journey. Nitin is one of the 3 people across Wipro among 250,000 employees from 66 countries featured in this programme.
- Jain Puratatva Purodha – Jain Archaeology Expert – In recognition of Nitin’s contribution and expertise in Jain Archaeology he was presented with the “Jain Puratatva Purodha” award which means “Jain Archaeology Expert” on 28th April 2022 at Mathura by Sri Bharatavarshiya Digambar Jain Tirth Samrakshini Mahasabha (A 125 years old All India Jain Organization) and Sethi Trust.
- A.Jayanchadra Book Award – The book ‘Jinayatra’ authored by Nitin has been awarded the “M.A.Jayachandra Book award” for the year 2020. The award has been constituted by Sumeru Jain Foundation, Bengaluru.
- Adarsha Jain Yuva Award – National award at the All India Jain Youth Conference held on the occasion of the Lord Bahubali Mahamasthakabhisheka Mahotsava – 2018.
- National Photography Award – for the ‘Venur Bahubali Mahamastakabhisheka’ image at the ICICI Bank’s Privilege Moments Online photography competition – 2013.
- Young Jain Achiever Award –‘Young Jain Achiever Award’ at the Karnataka state Jain Youth Conference held on the occasion of the Lord Bahubali Mahamasthakabhisheka Mahotsava – 2006.
He has designed, developed and has taken great pains in developing the websites jainheritagecentres.com, www.mahamasthakabhisheka.com, kanakagiri.org, hombujapadmavati.org and swadijainmutt.org. Without him, it was totally impossible for launching Jain Heritage Centres. Also one cannot forget the support given by Swastsri Bhuvanakeerthi Bhattarakha Maharaj the pontiff of the Kanakagiri Jain Muth and his father Dr.H.A.Parshwanath in developing these websites. The valuable support extended by Nitin’s mother Smt H.A.Jayanthi and wife Smt B.Ashwini in his journey through JHC deserves special mention.
Nitin & Ashwini have a little daughter Ahani who has been their inspiration in many of their projects.
Nitin can be reached through his emails nitin@jainheritagecentres.com or nitinhp@gmail.com or through mobile at +91 9880818869.