History – The idol of Bhagwan Parshwanatha is said to be very miraculous. It is said that king Satyaeshwar fell ill and when all efforts to cure him failed, his queen Padamashri worshipped the idol of Bhagwan Parshwanatha. The king soon recovered and as a mark of respect to Bhagawan Parshwanatha the temple was constructed and the idol was installed. There is a cave at a distance of about 2 Kms from the village on a hill. Here the idols of Bhagwan Parshwanatha and Goddess Padmavathi are installed. The place is called Jhari Parshwanatha because the water keeps pouring on the idols from the natural source. there is another hill about 4 Kms from the Jhari Parshwanatha. Here an idol of Bhagwan Parshwanatha (3 feet 2 inches) of black stone is installed.
How to Reach – This place is 4 Kms from kirloskar wadi on Pune-Satara-Miraj route and 51 Kms from Sangli. The boarding and lodging facilities are available in the Dharmashala.
Main Deity – About 160 cms high black stone Idol of Bhagwan Parsvanatha.