The 10th anniversary celebrations of the popular Jain website WWW.JAINHERITAGECENTRES.COM (JHC) will be held on Sunday June 24, 2012 at Kannada Sahitya Parishath, Chamarajpet, Bangalore.

Jain Heritage Centres 10th Anniversary Invitation
Bangalore (Karnataka), June 5, 2012: The 10th anniversary celebrations of the popular Jain website WWW.JAINHERITAGECENTRES.COM (JHC) will be held on Sunday June 24, 2012 at Kannada Sahitya Parishath, Chamarajpet, Bangalore. The event scheduled to being at 3.00 pm will start off with a key note address by Dr.H.A.Parshwanath, professor of pathology, S.D.M. Medical College, Dharwad and editor-in-chief of ‘Jaina Voice’( a publication of JHC). This will be followed by the inauguration of 10th anniversary celebrations by Sri Dharmasthala Surendra Kumar, executive president, Bharatiya Jain Milan. Prof. Jevendarakumar K.Hotapeti, renowned professor of history will deliver the congratulatory note. Sri P.Y.Rajendra, former director of the department of public libraries, Govt of Karnataka will be chief guest of the event. Renowned writer & research scholar Nadoja Dr.Hampa Nagarajaiah will preside over the function. Sri H.P.Nitin, the founder & the executive director of the website will share his thoughts & experiences, he & his team had during their “Journey over a decade”.
The felicitation programme has also been planned on the occasion. 12 contributors from across India who have contributed towards the growth & development of JHC will be felicitated.
Latter in the evening an event ‘Tirtha Darshana’ has been arranged at 6.30 pm. Here, Nitin will be presenting a slide show that will take the audience through the various Jain Heritage Centres across the world. Nitin, is an IT professional working as senior programme coordinator in internal communications team at Accenture Services Pvt. Ltd.
For further details of the event please contact Nitin H.P. (Ph: 9880818869, Email:
About Jain Heritage Centres
WWW.JAINHERITAGECENTRES.COM (JHC) is a popular Jain portal aimed at collecting and presenting the vast data related to Jainism and Jain Heritage that is prevalant across the globe. It desires to unravel the known, unknown and the less known relics of Jainism. Further, the team at JHC has made a sincere attempt to document the available literature in a pellucid manner and is striving hard in bringing to light the great and profound heritage of the religion and looks forward in Celebrating Jain Heritage…..Globally! Over the years JHC has carved for itself a unique place on the internet by its yoeman service to the religion and has been the reason for many firsts on Jainism. More than 5,000 Photographs of various Jain temples & events can be found on the website. – Jain Heritage Centres News Service